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The importance of school transportation for children with autism

Many children with autism cannot be reasonably expected to walk to school or independently use public transportation because of mobility problems or other health and safety concerns related to their autism. This is why school transportation is essential for children with working parents, or for children with parents who are otherwise unable to make the school run.

Though, children with autism can often struggle in the environment of a school minibus, due to ‘sensory overload’, often from the noise of other children, or changes to routine such as the bus running late, or traffic delaying the journey. 

Of course, these things are often unavoidable. But there are some measures that you can take to make the journey easier for autistic passengers – positive, even. 

In terms of journey experience, Autism UK recommends that school minibus drivers, or school escorts focus on knowledge, communication and atmosphere.

If you are transporting autistic children to and from school, it is important that you understand their medicinal, communicative, behavioural and sensory requirements, as well as their individual dislikes or triggers and the things that help them to remain calm. 

Some children with autism, for example, prefer not to make direct eye contact, or not to be touched. Understanding these triggers can help to avoid a meltdown, which can have a domino effect onto other children on the minibus. 

In some cases, you may need to learn to use minimal or diversional language, or even cue cards to maintain a calm atmosphere. 

Risk management is a given, but there are some aspects of managing risk that may be less obvious and depend on getting to know the children on your school minibus. For example, if you know that a particular child is likely throw objects at the other children, it may be suitable to provide them with soft toys which are attached to a coil key ring. 

You can read the full list of tips from the National Autistic Society for transporting autistic children to school here.

It is important to remember that education begins before children even reach the classroom, and the school minibus is an excellent starting point for autistic children to learn social skills and how to remain calm. 

Contact us for Minibus Leasing 

To find out more about our minibus leasing services for schools, colleges, universities and charities, please contact us on 01480 220444 or email 

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