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Encouraging Sports Activities with the Utilisation of a School Minibus

​In a digital world, it can often be difficult to encourage younger pupils to partake in physical activities outside of school. It has become second nature for those in education to arrive home and sit in front of the television or play their favourite games on their consoles and iPads. As a result of this, not many pupils engage in sports to get the necessary physical activity levels to remain healthy which can be a worrying thought.

Many schools partake in competitive sporting activities, such as football, rugby and cricket. With the opportunity for pupils to trial for first and second teams, this gives the PE staff in a school a chance to show their abilities to manage a team while also giving pupils a chance to engage themselves in a sport of their interest, as well as enhancing their abilities on the playing field.

So, you have the PE teacher as the coach, you’ve assembled your dream team to compete against your local rivals, but you have no way of chauffeuring your future world beaters to the game. Here’s where Marshall Minibus comes in. Why not utilise a school minibus as part of your assets? Whether the game runs into extra time, or you have an injured player who needs urgent medical attention, a school minibus on-site can be a game changer for staff.

Having someone deal with the endless amounts of administration on one vehicle can be a huge weight off your shoulders, and the team at Marshall Minibus are ready to take that responsibility. Our contract hire service includes 10 driving licence checks which can confirm if your drivers are authorised to drive a minibus. It is important to check this and your local authority rules and regulations prior to allowing someone to drive a minibus.

To find out more on how we can help with all of your minibus needs, please visit our dedicated ‘Your Minibus’ section on our website here.


(photo credit to King’s College St Michael’s)

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